close enough to hear

Come back to where and when you first desired God’s presence. It is not because you deserve it– the glory manifestation– but because God is a gracious God. You cannot add more to it. You are nothing without God. Always remember that. It is not by your own power nor your own strength, but it’s always by the Holy Spirit.

–written last April. I keep going back to my previous devotional writings and notes, because I know I can find wisdom in those posts. Some I just can’t believe that I wrote them down, or I’m not just aware (?), or I’ve forgotten most of it, because I keep on writing down all the thoughts. It’s good to look back and learn from the things God had spoken to me.

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. (John 15:4)

I remember John the Beloved. Among the four gospels, his is the most unique one. My theory is that he walked, stayed, listened very, very close to the Lord enough to hear words of wisdom, truth, and revelations different from the other three. Well that’s why he is called the Beloved :)

May we always desire to abide in the Lord– an intimate relationship with Him ♥


I just miss writing in my blog… ciao for now, off to team practice for Sunday worship service! Glory to God! :)